The idea of a homemade karaoke came out after the Placard4, july
2000, in Paris,
where 3 japanese girls (misa, satoko, emiko) performed some japanese pop hits
with the lyrics projected on a screen. that was good fun!
After we went, also with misa and satoko, in karaoke rooms in
tokyo. that was good fun again!
. (from left : pita, karen, melissa, hecker, erik)
Back in Paris, after trying
several karaoke restaurants with mainstream playlists,
we decided to create our own Karaoke box :
our playlist of hits, our videos, and specific way to mix lyrics, pictures and
sound, to party !
back to. O R C H E S T R E . V I D E : (empty orchestra) :(dokidoki's karaoke)::: :